It’s been two years since we’ve been able to revel in face-to-face competition. But it’s back at Expo on Saturday, Nov. 20.

A selection of FisherPoets will take the Main Stage at 10:30, including Dano Quinn, Jon Branshaw, Jeb Wyman, Peter Munro, and Brad Warren.

Then just before noon, the real competition kicks off with our annual Fisherman of the Year Contest.

Hosts Lindsay Layland of the United Tribes of Bristol Bay and Seattle-based Bering Sea, Puget Sound and Bristol Bay captain Sean Dwyer will guide contestants through the first three heats — net mending, rope splicing and blind-folded knot tying — to the final survival suit challenge.

Each heat comes with a $100 cash reward. The final heat winner also takes the title of Fisherman of the Year!

Register now online, or at least 15 minutes before the contest at the main stage.

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